Adam Lovewell

Adam Lovewell

Process Engineer, VAN DYK Recycling Solutions

Adam Lovewell graduated from Virginia Tech in 2011 with a Bachelor of Science degree in industrial & systems engineering. From 2011-2015, he was a systems engineer for RRT Design & Construction. He then moved to Van Dyk Recycling Solutions in 2016 as the Midwest process engineer/sales manager.

Adam has been involved in many recycling equipment projects over the last 13 years, including simple roll cutting and baling sites, large baling systems, C&D sorting systems, automated MSW/fuel systems, commercial sorting systems, PET/plastics sorting systems, single-stream sorting systems, advanced recycling/chemical feedstock systems and system retrofits.

Adam lives in Silver Lake, Wisconsin, and travels throughout North America and Europe, gaining a broad perspective on the industry and its current trends. His most recent project/startup was a 40-ton-per-hour (TPH) residential single-stream system that only requires four manual sorters. He is overseeing the completion of two large projects for mechanical film sorting as well as feedstock prep for an advanced/chemical recycling plant and recently designed/sold a new 40-TPH residential single-stream system.